About Pawsitive
Pawsitive Steps introduced an array of diverse programs that not only delivered joy, physical activity, and well-being but also disseminated invaluable insights into the various challenges associated with mental health. Be part of this remarkable initiative led by the Mind Connections Foundation, committed to eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health in our communities.
About Pawsitive Steps
Nearly two-thirds of pet owners say that their animals offer companionship (65%), are a true friend (65%) and provide unconditional love and support (64%) according to new research conducted by American Psychiatric Association and American Veterinary Medical Association.
Mind Connections Foundation is dedicated to enhancing mental health and well-being within the community through awareness programs and research. Their mission is to support minds of all kinds, with initiatives like Pawsitive Steps.
Step into an exciting showcase of all things dogs! From the Pawshion Show to Puppy Pilates, this is the only festival dedicated to celebrating dogs as champions of mental health. We invite you to be a part of this unique celebration!
Why Attend?
Experience this unique festival that unites dogs and mental health in an exciting family outing.
Support a movement that recognises the therapeutic bond between dogs and humans, working to dispel the misconceptions surrounding mental health.
Attend a festival, where activities are dedicated to enhancing well-being for both dogs and humans.
It's an extraordinary and exhilarating day for the entire family, complete with a main stage, a Playdome, Walk for Wellbeing and much more.