Mind Connections Foundation
The Mind Connections Foundation was established in August 2020 with the purpose of improving mental health and wellbeing of the community through awareness programs and research.
To improve the mental health and wellbeing of communities by promoting awareness and evidence-based research.

Every mind matters. The Mind Connections Foundation exists to support and improve mental health. We are a Not for profit registered Charity operating in and for the Hills District
Your donations funds research and other initiatives that will make a positive change in our community
Why Mind Connections Foundation?
Mind Connections Foundation was established in August 2020 with the purpose of improving mental health and wellbeing of the Hills community through awareness programs and research.
Through good governance, connecting with the community and recognising the complex issues of mental health we seek to strive and support minds of every kind.
The Foundation’s activities are supported by the generous contributions of our donors and benefactors. Mind Connections Specialist Health Services supports some of the operational costs including an annual mental health award to medical student at WSU, administrative support, and office facilities.
We seek to minimise misinformation about mental health in the hills. We seek to engage with the community and increase awareness that will challenge those stereotypes.
We seek to increase the connection and collaboration of health professionals, those affected by mental health and the wider community and business to better connect the right understanding and mindset.
New Approach
We seek to target young people in the Hills District to innovate and engage them in new approaches and solutions
The impact of COVID on mental health in 2020 was significant and had immediate repercussions. Now more than ever, we need to support people that are going thorughthe effects of mental health. We have an amazing line-up in 2021 and looking forward to your kind support.
Dr Daya Howpage PhD, MBA

Dr Padmini Howpage MBBS, FRANZCP

Your donations funds research and other initiatives that will make a positive change in our community
Tax deductible status in Australia
Gifts and donations to the Foundation are an allowable income tax deduction in Australia. Receipts will be provided for all donations made.
All donations above $2.00 are tax deductible.